Common Mistakes Made by New Hearing Aid Users

Approximately 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from the use of hearing aids. Getting new hearing aids is an exciting time, and knowing hearing aid best practices can help ensure you enjoy all the benefits they offer. Let’s look at a few common hearing aid mistakes and how to avoid them. Not Taking the Time…
How To Make Friends When You Have Hearing Loss

Maintaining social connections is an important aspect of mental well-being at all ages. It can be harder to make friends later in life, and age-related hearing loss can make that even more difficult. As we age, we’re likely to lose hearing. In fact, 10% of adults ages 55–64 have hearing loss, and 22% of people…
How To Know If You’re a Good Candidate for Hearing Aids

Struggling with your hearing, such as needing to increase the volume on your devices or difficulty following conversations, may indicate you’re among the 28.8 million Americans who could enhance their lives with hearing aids. Yet, for many, there’s a delay of over five years before they seek help. The prospect of needing hearing aids is…
How To Calm Your Nerves Before a Hearing Test

Hearing tests are an essential part of taking care of your overall health, and it’s natural to feel a bit anxious before undergoing one. However, test anxiety should not prevent you from getting the hearing care you need. By learning about the testing process and exploring a few relaxation methods, you can enjoy a more…
Emergency Tips for People With Hearing Loss

Between floods, fires, earthquakes and storms, preparing for emergencies can feel a little daunting. Creating an emergency kit is a great way to ease into disaster preparedness. Emergency kits may require a few extra supplies for those with hearing loss. Let’s look at a couple of essential hearing loss additions to your emergency kit and…
What to Know About Musician’s Monitors For Hearing Protection

Musicians are more likely than the rest of the population to experience noise-induced hearing loss. Hearing loss developed from exposure to loud noises is common, with 18% of adults aged 18-69 having hearing loss in both ears after exposure to loud noises at work for more than five years. Next time you catch a show at Music Box, be…
When Should You Get a Hearing Test?

A vital part of hearing health is getting your hearing tested. However, many people are unsure when they might need one. Let’s go over a few signs that you should be evaluated for hearing loss. Conversations Are Difficult to Follow An early sign of hearing loss is an increased difficulty in following conversations. However, it…
What To Know About Hearing Aid Programming

Approximately 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from the use of hearing aids. The small but technologically advanced devices can distinguish and amplify speech sounds, reduce background noise, keep you more aware of your surroundings and even help with balance. Though most hearing aids share similar features, their programming is individualized. Let’s look at what…
Three Ways You Could Be Damaging Your Hearing at Home

It’s important to take steps to protect your hearing in any environment, including your own home. Let’s take a look at three common risks to your hearing at home as well as what you can do about it. Exposure To Loud Noises Noise exposure is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. Any…
How Does Noise Pollution Impact Your Health?

When you think of pollution, you probably think of contaminants like smoke in the air or garbage in the ocean. However, there are other types of pollution, including noise pollution, which is the spread of unwanted sounds in the environment. Not only can noise pollution be annoying, it can also impact your health. We review…