Drugs That Can Cause Hearing Loss
There are more than 200 drugs with a known link to hearing loss – these medications are known as “ototoxic.” The severity of hearing problems varies depending on the drug, dosage and length it is taken, but generally the risk increases the more the drug accumulates in the body. Hearing loss caused by medications may…
Mental Health Awareness
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and social distancing make this a challenging time for all. For those with untreated hearing loss, who are at an even greater risk of developing mental health issues, raising awareness and developing a coping strategy is key. Social Isolation A report from the National Academies of Sciences,…
Diseases Linked to Hearing Loss
While hearing loss is usually attributed to old age or noise exposure, there are many other possible causes. In fact, hearing loss is linked to a number of chronic and acute diseases. Knowing which ones have an association with hearing loss will help you take action should you start noticing symptoms. Heart Disease Heart disease…
Which Musicians Are Most at Risk of Hearing Loss?
Multiple studies have confirmed the link between loud music and hearing damage, mostly from attending concerts or playing music through headphones too loudly. However, a 2013 study has examined the link between orchestral musicians and hearing loss. The results are in: French horn players are at the greatest risk for noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). About…
Keeping Hearing Aids Safe from Pets
Keeping your hearing aids away from pets is very important for two reasons: 1. Hearing aids are a significant investment in money and time, and 2. Hearing aid batteries are toxic to pets. Below are some tips for keeping your hearing aids stored safely away from your furry friends. Use a Hearing Aid Storage Case…
7 Reasons to Get a Hearing Test
Hearing loss affects more than 48 million people and is the third most common chronic health condition among U.S. adults, after arthritis and heart disease. Hearing loss, in most cases, is also easy to treat with hearing aids. If you suspect you may have hearing loss, here are seven reasons you should finally schedule a…
Resolve to Treat Your Tinnitus
This year, do something for you – resolve to finally treat the ringing in your ear. Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing a buzzing, ringing, hissing, chirping or whistling in the ear. Even though tinnitus is common – the American Tinnitus Institute estimates that more than 45 million Americans experience the condition – many choose not…
Why Do My Ears Ring After a Concert?
Your inner ears contain tiny hair cells, called stereocilia, that translate soundwaves into electrical energy that is then transmitted through the auditory nerve to the brain. When you attend a concert or any other event that exposes you to loud noises, you can harm those little hairs. Once damaged, they can misfire, sending made-up sound…
How to Make Shopping with Hearing Loss Less Stressful
With the big day less than two weeks away — and if you have to ask “what big day?” then the situation is especially dire for you — we hope you have finished your holiday shopping (or at least made a significant dent in it). If you are one of the thousands of people with…
Got Tinnitus? Here’s How to Get ZZZ’s.
San Diego residents with tinnitus often have trouble falling asleep. A constant ringing in your ears is a distraction even in the middle of the day; lying in bed in the dark, it can leave you tossing and turning even when you’re dead tired. We have some sleep strategies that should help tinnitus sufferers get…