A vital part of hearing health is getting your hearing tested. However, many people are unsure when they might need one. Let’s go over a few signs that you should be evaluated for hearing loss.
Conversations Are Difficult to Follow

An early sign of hearing loss is an increased difficulty in following conversations. However, it can be easy to assume the problem is situational. You might feel like the person you are talking to is mumbling, or if you’re speaking on the phone, that the connection is just bad. If you have trouble hearing the waiter list the specials at Rustic Root, you figure that it’s just because the restaurant is busy that night.
In isolation, none of these situations is necessarily a sign of hearing loss. However, if they happen frequently, schedule an appointment for a hearing test.
Loved Ones Have Commented on Your Hearing
Most hearing loss develops slowly, which makes it hard to notice. It’s not uncommon for a loved one to be the first to point out that you might have an issue with your hearing. Maybe your spouse voices frustration at how often you seem to mishear or ignore what they are saying. Or a family member comments on how loudly you have the TV turned up while watching a movie together. Try to be receptive to what they are saying and consider getting a hearing evaluation.
You Spend Time in Loud Environments
Exposure to loud noise is one of the leading causes of hearing loss. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that nearly 12.5% of children aged 6-19 and 17% of adults aged 20-69 have permanent damage to their hearing due to exposure to loud noise. Any sounds over 85 decibels have the potential to cause noise-induced hearing loss.
Even if you don’t notice any problems with your hearing, it is still a good idea to get a baseline hearing test if you work in a noisy environment, like construction, or spend a lot of time engaging in louder hobbies.
You Just Turned 50
While hearing loss can occur at any age, your risk goes up as you age. If you are 50 or older and have never had a hearing test as an adult, schedule an appointment. This can help you establish a relationship with an audiologist and have regular testing, which will discover any hearing loss early. Though most hearing loss is permanent, it can be effectively treated with hearing aids.
To learn more or to schedule a hearing test, call San Diego Hearing Center today.