If you have noticed that you or a loved one has trouble hearing, you may wonder whether hearing aids or a hearing amplification device is the right solution. Let’s take a look at the differences between the two technologies to figure out what works best.
Hearing Amplification Devices Make Sound Louder

Hearing amplification devices are also known as personal sound amplification products (PSAPs). They can look similar to hearing aids. Additionally, like hearing aids PSAPs have the ability to amplify sounds. However, the similarities end there.
Hearing amplification devices amplify every sound you hear to make them louder. This can be helpful for some people who need slight amplification in very specific settings. However, they are not an actual treatment for hearing loss.
Hearing Aids Are the Most Common Treatment for Hearing Loss
Unlike PSAPs, hearing aids are much more technologically advanced and capable of treating hearing loss of all varying severities. In fact, hearing aids are the most common treatment for people with hearing loss.
They are customized to meet your individual hearing needs based on things like the severity of your hearing loss, the frequencies you most struggle with, as well as your work and home environments and even your hobbies.
Many models can be programmed to suppress background noise and automatically adjust their settings depending on the volume level of the environment that you are in. This offers a seamless listening experience that goes well beyond just making noises louder.
Research shows the advantages of using hearing aids to treat hearing loss. A study published in 2018 found that properly fitted hearing aids provide better speech recognition and require lower listening effort compared to PSAPs.
Deciding on The Right Pair of Hearing Aids
If you’ve been struggling with hearing loss, make an appointment with an audiologist. They will examine your ears, perform a hearing test and work with you to help you choose the right pair of hearing aids that best improve your listening experience. With hearing aids, everything is made easier, from work meetings to phone calls with your children or grandchildren and dinner out with friends at The Red Door.
To learn more or to schedule an appointment with a hearing expert, contact San Diego Hearing Center today.