Because vertigo is often associated with problems in the inner ear, some people may wonder if hearing aids may cause or exacerbate vertigo symptoms. However, hearing aids in no way cause vertigo and, if anything, may improve balance in people with hearing loss.
What Does Vertigo Feel Like?

Vertigo is a specific type of dizziness where you have the sensation that either you or your surroundings are moving, even though no movement is actually occurring. It can be an intense and disorienting sensation.
In addition to dizziness, people with vertigo may experience the following:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Loss of balance
- Difficulty focusing your eyes
- Hearing loss in one or both ears
- Tinnitus
What Causes Vertigo?
There are two main types of vertigo—peripheral and central. Central vertigo is caused by a problem in the brain, while the more common peripheral vertigo is associated with inner ear problems. Common causes of peripheral vertigo include but are not limited to:
- Labyrinthitis or an inflammation of the inner ear’s labyrinth and vestibular nerve
- Vestibular neuronitis or inflammation of the vestibular nerve
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
- Ménière’s disease
Can Hearing Aids Cause Vertigo?
Simply put, no. Hearing aids cannot cause vertigo, nor can they worsen pre-existing cases of vertigo. You can rest assured that if you have hearing loss and need to wear hearing aids, they will in no way increase your risk of developing vertigo or balance issues.
Using Hearing Aids May Help Your Balance
Not only do hearing aids not cause vertigo, but they may actually improve your balance. A study published in 2017 looked at the effect hearing aids had on postural stability in older patients with hearing loss. They found that patients who treated their hearing loss with hearing aids improved their static balance function.
Hearing aids can help you feel more oriented and aware of your surroundings, which can lead to better balance. This can reduce your risk of falls and make it easier to live an active and healthy lifestyle. With hearing aids, you can do things like:
- Take a fitness class
- Doing yoga at home
- Play with your grandchildren at Golden Hill Park
- Go for walks with your spouse or partner in your neighborhood
To learn more about how hearing aids can help you, call San Diego Hearing Center to schedule an appointment today.