The Big Hearing Aid Misconception
Are you part of the 80 percent of the 48 million individuals in San Diego and around the country who suffer from hearing loss but don’t use hearing aids? If so, separating hearing aid facts from fiction may help convince you that you have nothing to fear by taking the plunge toward better hearing. Myth:…
Improved Test for Hearing Aid Fittings
Hearing loss is often referred to as a “silent disease.” Both the invisible nature and gradual progression of the condition can make it hard to identify, but one of the early indicators in difficulty hearing high-frequency sounds. Because individuals with high-frequency hearing loss are often able to hear low- to mid-frequency sounds normally, this impairment…
The Do’s and Don’ts of Hearing Aid Repair
Hearing aids consist of many small, technologically advanced parts. As a result, the occasional malfunction is commonplace. Should your hearing aid need servicing, take the following do’s and don’ts into consideration. The Don’ts of Hearing Aid Repair : Don’t Do It Yourself (DIY) Hearing aids may appear to be a straightforward piece of technology; however,…
How Hearing Aids Will Help Your Career

The average US citizen is staying in the workforce longer than in previous generations. One consequence of this trend has been an increase of hearing impaired employees. Due to social stigma, a high percentage of people avoid seeking immediate treatment for their condition, choosing instead to cope with their hearing loss privately. However, the use…
Listen Up, Seniors! Don’t Forget to Get Your Hearing Checked

Hearing loss is the third most common health condition in the United States. Hearing loss is often overlooked due to the invisible nature of the condition; however, it affects as many as 48 million Americans. The stigma of hearing loss often prevents individuals from seeking treatment for a hearing impairment, but early intervention is one…
The Gift of Sound: The Benefits of Wearing Hearing Aids
The old adage of “you don’t know what you have until it’s gone” rings especially true in reference to your hearing. Many individuals fail to appreciate the many benefits hearing provides. Once you lose your hearing, you lose more than the ability to hear well; you also lose your capacity to communicate and connect with…
Insects May Shape the Future of Hearing Aids

The scientific community has dedicated years to researching the human ear in order to understand how sound is transmitted to the brain. New advances in technology have allowed us to explore the auditory system more comprehensively than ever before. As a result, hearing technology conglomerates are creating the most innovative and effective treatments for the…
The Latest on Cognitive Decline, Listening Effort and Hearing Aids

The prevalence of dementia is expected to soar as the average life expectancy increases, but recent estimates suggest that the age-specific incidence of dementia is declining in high-income countries. In the February 11 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, Claudia Satizabal and colleagues report “robust evidence” of dementia’s decline. Using observational data collected…
When to Repair or Replace Your Hearing Aids
As audiology professionals, we are often asked whether it is better to repair or replace a hearing device. The truth is, both hearing aid repair and purchasing new technology have their benefits and the correct answer is largely dependent on the patient. At San Diego Hearing Center, we take each individual’s needs into consideration when…